Month: January 2014

9 Top Warning Signs of Diabetes

9 Top Warning Signs of Diabetes

diabetes treatment

diabetes treatment

Diabetes is spreading like an epidemic. More than 17 million Americans are suffering from this chronic illness; which makes around 5.8% of their total population. More alarming stats depicts that more than 1/3rd diabetics are ignorant of their ill health. The reason is that the signs of diabetes are mild enough that they are easily ignored by diabetics.

Felling Constantly Thirsty: Feeling constantly thirsty is one of the classical sign of diabetes. Thirst is the first warning that tells a person is suffering from diabetes. Further the diabetes linked thirst is also unquenchable and unappeasable.

Recurrent Visits To The Restroom: Excessive urination is another sign of diabetes. Many people feel an urge to urinate just a couple of times in one day; however the diabetic sufferer has this feeling more frequently. This mainly takes place as excessive level of blood sugar cause the diabetic body to dehydrate. The body then encourages top drink excessive fluid to counteract the dehydration; this explains the constant urge to urinate.

Extremely Dry Mouth: Extremely dry mouth is another sign of diabetes. The level of sugar in blood increase because of diabetes; which then start to affect the oral hygiene. Some other common complains is dry mouth, cavities and gum disease. If left untreated it may result in the loss of teeth as well. Unfortunately this condition makes it even more difficult to control oral hygiene as oral infection cause the blood sugar level to rise even further. This disease also lowers down the ability of feeling the taste of sweet things, which compels you to add even more sweetener as compensation.

Vision Problems: Blurred vision is sometimes a first sign of diabetes type 1. It is the first complication related to eyesight in diabetes. Excessive blood sugar level causes eye lens to change the shape and become even more flexible. This has an effect on the ability to focus and in turn cause the image to blur. Some other diabetes related eye complications are cloudy vision, double vision and suspended dot in the front of eye.

Slow Healing Cuts And Wounds: Slow healing wounds are another indicator of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes indicates that body is far less effective in fighting against infections.

Itching Around The Vaginal Area: Burning and itching around vaginal area is another sign of diabetes. It signals the onset of type 2 diabetes. The skin around vagina starts to become sore and red. This is the indication of vaginal infection. Recurring yeast infection is another warning diabetic sign. Regular means of a woman suffers from yeast infection 3 to 4 times in one year. Yeast is naturally present in the vagina and is fed by the sugar present in blood. Elevated level of sugar in the bloodstream helps the yeast to multiply at a rapid pace.

Tingling In Extremities: Tingling is another sign of diabetes, it indicates the onset of type 2 diabetes. When there is plenty of sugar in the bloodstream it causes problems to nerves. The tiny blood vessels are the first one to get damage. Multiple problems may arise; the first one among which is the numbness and tingling in extremities.

Skin Of Neck, Groin And Armpit Start To Grow Darker: If the skin of neck, armpit and groin start to grow darker then it is a warning diabetic sign. Though this occurs rarely but it affects 1 in every 300 diabetic sufferers. This darkness can appear anywhere but it is more common around neck. The problem affects more to those who are overweight.

Unexplained Gain or Loss In Weight: Any unexplained and sudden loss or gain in weight is another sign of diabetes. The diabetic body tries to compensate the lost fluids by eating more; as a result the person puts on more weight. Further some diabetic persons tends to lose weight even without decreasing the food consumption. The muscles and tissues remain unable to get the required glucose; thus their growth is disrupted.

Learn more about the details of Signs Of Diabetes and learn the tips to deal Low Blood Sugar. I have mentioned here tips and tricks with the help of which I have said “good-bye” to Diabetes; so you can do the same.